In order to have the things you’ve never had, you need to become the person you’ve never been.
This article will show you the manifestation methods and techniques that will help you become the type of person who manifests more.
The best ways to manifest someone or something properly aren’t as complicated as you may think.
As a matter of fact, you truly can manifest anything you want!
Manifesting happens for every one of us every single day, we just seem to be unaware of it.
“Manifesting is made to sound like some sort of cosmic gift or privilege only given to the focused, the mindful, or the highly spiritual.”
This could not be any further from the truth.
In this article, you’ll learn everything you need to know to get started manifesting that specific person or something you’ve desired for all too long.
Due to the depth and detail of this article, we’ve included a table of contents for you to click on to get your questions answered faster.
Be sure to check out our FAQ section at the bottom of the page as it covers any question you could possibly think of.
How do I start manifesting you ask?
You’re about to find out!
How to Manifest Something Properly
One of the most effective ways to apply these techniques is to make using them a habit.
After reading this article, it’s recommended you view our “How to format habit” article to help make these techniques stick easier.
10 Best Ways to Manifest Something
These are the best ways to manifest using methods that have been shared by experts and other notables for thousands of years.
Optimally you should consider using all the techniques and methods below.
To start manifesting takes mastering each method, one at a time.
Manifesting method #1 – Focus
Manifestation starts with focus.
Without focus, you’ll never manifest anything because you’re not placing your energy and attention on what matters most.
“Where your focus goes your energy flows.”
Action step: Imagine that what you focus on expands.
Every second you place your focus on something it grows by 1%.
This visual exercise will help you realize there are both benefits to and consequences for allowing yourself to become distracted from your goals.
Manifesting method #2 – Conscious thought
95% of the day we are “unconscious”, which means we are passively living our lives as opposed to consciously creating them.
Our bodies are designed to conserve energy by creating habitual patterns of thought.
This is because our brain typically weighs 2% of our total body weight yet consumes 20% of our energy during active thought.
Habitual thought patterns save a ton of energy but also make every day feel just like the last.
These habitual thoughts are often based on our past and rarely a roadmap to our future.
Action step: Place some reminders in your environment to trigger the thoughts that will actively bring more of what you desire into your life.
Things such as photos, art, screensavers, or a vision board.
Each time you consciously think about someone or something it casts a vote for the universe to deliver it.
Manifestation method #3 – Decide what you want
I ask people what they want out of life or simply their day and over 90% look at me like a deer in the headlights.
If you can’t decide on what you want out of life, don’t plan on ever receiving it.
It’s kinda like driving up to the McDonalds drive-thru not knowing what to order.
Action step: Start familiarizing yourself with what Dr. Jay Cavanaugh coined, “The Morning Ask.”
Before your two feet hit the ground off your bed, ask yourself two simple questions and answer them.
- Start with your “to-feel” intention – “What feelings do I want to experience today?”
- Finish with your “to-be” intention – “What version of myself do I need to be today to experience them?
Manifestation method #4 – Get crystal clear
This may be one of the most powerful steps to take.
“Most people tend to generalize their desires and therefore never realize their desires.”
Get ridiculously clear on what you want.
For example, don’t state, “ Let’s grab something to eat.”
Instead, try “Let’s leave at 6 PM to grab tacos at Titos Tacos on La Cienega and I’ll pick you up.”
Action step: This is a great time to start writing or journaling your desires.
To remember all the details can be challenging so start writing.
If it’s a specific person you want to manifest consider things like; the characteristics they possess, their values, the way they think, the feelings they enjoy experiencing most.
Manifestation method #5 – Feeling is the secret
The secret to manifesting someone or something is heavily weighted on the vibrational frequency of the feelings you hold onto most often.
If you choose to allow feelings of lack and separation to dominate then you will push your desires away from yourself.
Choose to feel high vibrational emotions such as fulfillment and wholeness to attract more of what you want into your life.
Action step: 3 times a day use your imagination to create a very detailed scene in your mind of your desires as if they are being realized.
Let what you imagine appear so real that you experience the feelings and emotions associated with your desires at that very moment.
Manifestation method #6 – Repetition
The more frequently you apply the techniques above, the faster and more likely our desires will soon become a reality.
Don’t focus on how often you should have to repeat the steps mentioned above.
The deeper your desire, the more likely you’ll take these actions without even realizing you did.
Action step: Find your why. Search within yourself to find the deepest reason as to why you have such a desire.
- “What need will this meet for me?”
- “Why do I want this so bad?”
Once you have found your why, you have found your endless source of motivational fuel.
Manifestation method #7 – Blind faith
Believe within even without the external validation of the seen.
You have the best workout of your life today and look in the mirror and look the same.
Tomorrow, you have an even better workout and still look the same.
If it took 33 workouts for you to experience a visible change would you still do them?
You must have faith in the unseen.
Action step: When what you desire is not seen in your reality, use your imagination to see it.
Find the same amount of joy in the process of imaging your reality as you do in experiencing it and you’re guaranteed to manifest!
Manifestation method #8 – Remove Resistance
Identify where resistance lies to manifesting and remove that resistance.
Let’s say for example you work or live in a toxic environment, this must change.
What you resist persists so the importance of this step cannot go unnoticed.
Action step: Act to feel instead of feeling to act.
Let me explain.
If we all waited until the timing “felt right” most of us would never move in the direction of our goals.
Instead, move in the direction of your desires in the presence of contradictory feelings.
These feelings will turn off like a light switch and you’ll instantly be heading in the right direction.
Manifestation method #9 – Manifestation Affirmations
Stating positive affirmations daily helps build your sense of self, your self-perception, and your identity.
This is at the foundation of who you are.
We are all having conversations with ourselves all day long, yet not enough of us manage the conversations we allow to take place.
Action step: Pick an “affirmation of the day” to replay in your mind several times in a 24 hour period.
It’s recommended to keep your affirmations fresh daily so you have more energy, thought, and feelings behind them.
Feel free to reuse past affirmations that resonated with you but keeping things fresh daily elevates your emotional frequency when stating affirmations.
Manifestation method #10 – Gratitude
Gratitude is the attitude to have.
Be grateful for the signs you’re on the right track just as much as you are grateful for the obstacles that arrive to test you.
Be grateful for all that shows up on your journey to manifestation.
Action step: Each and every evening before you fall asleep, perform “The Evening Receive.”
Thank the universe for all you were able to experience today.
Reflect on and replay the highlights and relive the feelings associated with them.
Let this be the very last thing you do before falling asleep.
FAQ – Frequently asked questions
What is manifesting?
Manifesting is creating your reality by focusing your energy, attention, thoughts, feelings, actions, and decisions in a proper way to achieve the desired result.
Can I manifest my desires?
Yes, manifesting is possible for anyone, rich, poor, good, or evil when you have the right manifestation methods in place to achieve your goals.
What’s the difference between manifesting and manifestation?
Manifesting is the active process it’s self whereas manifestation often implies the end result has been achieved.
- “I’m actively manifesting a new relationship.”
- “My manifestation was realized after 2 months of borderline obsession.”
Isn’t manifesting just positive thinking?
Absolutely not! Positive thinking can certainly help you to manifest yet simply thinking positively isn’t enough.
A shift in your habits, decisions, actions, values, beliefs, and identity are required as well.
Can I manifest love?
Yes, you can manifest love.
Just put the tips offered above into action and buckle your seat belt!
Can I manifest money?
Yes, you can manifest money.
The key is to focus on becoming the type of person who has money.
Start thinking, feeling, acting, and making decisions like they do and you’re sure to increase your wealth.
What are examples of manifestation?
- Imagine becoming a firefighter as a kid, then becoming one as an adult.
- Dreaming about falling in love with a specific person, then meeting them in an unlikely place.
- Believing that one day you’ll have your own business, and one day it becomes a reality.
What is the 369 method?
The 369 method of manifestation is to write down your desires 3 times in the morning, 6 times midday, and 9 times in the evening.
What is the 3×33 method?
The 3×33 method is a manifestation technique in which you write down your desire 33 times for 3 days.
Is manifesting a sin?
Manifesting itself is not a sin because manifesting is consciously creating your reality.
Choosing to manifest a reality of pain, harm, or evil makes the person manifesting sinful, however.
Is there a way to properly manifest?
There is no proper way to manifest.
Manifesting is an art that can only be defined by your standards.
How can I manifest something by writing it down?
Writing something down alone isn’t enough to manifest something.
You must also shift your focus, energy, thoughts, and actions to become the type of person who possesses that specific something.
How can I manifest something quickly?
Manifesting quickly typically doesn’t work because the universe doesn’t pick up a strong energetic desire because you’re not sending a strong and frequent enough energetic signal.
Signs someone is manifesting you
The most common sign that someone is trying to manifest you is they pop into your thoughts more often than usual or cross your path unexpectedly.
How to manifest your crush
Don’t chase them. It’s that simple!
How do I manifest a specific person?
The best way to manifest a specific person is to become the type of person that aligns with their thoughts, values, and philosophies.
A perfect match!
Next Steps
The next thing you’ll want to do if you want to turn this article’s knowledge and insights into action is to register for our #1 most popular class.
The Manifestation Habit Masterclass
This class is offered 4 times a year and is 4 weeks long.
It’s only for those who take action.
Click here to get started!
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