Let’s talk about how to shift or turn off any emotion instantly.
This post will cover how to elevate your emotions to feel the way you want to feel.
I’m going to compare and contrast two different people and how they respond to the same event in their lives.
You’ll notice opportunities for you to manage your emotions more closely and learn where your emotional responses arise from.
My name is Dr. Jay Cavanaugh of The Vibe Mindset, we help you elevate your emotions using the power of your thoughts, feelings, and actions.
How to Turn Off Your Emotions
Imagine a mom and dad planning a morning walk,
They awaken to realize it’s raining cats and dogs.
The mother is a very stressed, high-strung person.
She views life through the lens of fear more often than the lens of faith.
She has a tendency to believe that the world isn’t the kindest place.
Mom watches the news every morning and her belief is the world’s going to hell.
The father’s belief is the world’s a happy place and everything happens for a reason.
He doesn’t look at life’s challenges as problems, instead he views them as opportunities to grow and to learn.
Now we’ve got two people going through the same experience yet with completely different belief systems.
This is our most popular video on this topic!
Can you elicit a desired emotion of your choosing right now?
Try it out!
How Two People Feel Towards The Same Experience
The mother responds emotionally to this event by stating, “it’s going to be one of those days.“
Mom continues with, “it seems like this week, nothing’s gone my way.”
Dad responds in a different way, “I’ve always wanted to go in the rain with a bathing suit and just jump in puddles.”
Dad continues with, “It’s 72 degrees out, would you be willing to go outside and just jump in the puddles?”
Belief Systems Determine How You Feel
Two different people, the same external experience, yet the only difference is their belief system.
Their belief system guides their emotional response to the event.
“Your belief system is what dictates your emotional response to the external world.”
Many of us tend to blame the external world for our emotions when this cause-and-effect relationship is completely false.
The external environment and external triggers initiate your emotional response, however they aren’t what creates it.
How Feelings Arise
What initiates an emotional response is a trigger.
Next, you add the filter of your belief system that forms your emotional response.
Your beliefs guide your emotional response, not the circumstances.
What can we do with this information?
Consider doing a “REP”, Reverse engineering protocol, when your experience emotionally is a lower vibe response.
Imagine that you’re not happy with the way you felt and wish you had a different emotional response.
Let’s look at the event from a different perspective.
Consider Another Perspective
What might be the belief system someone has who had a more beneficial response?
Pondering this question, you start to gain knowledge on an alternate belief system to consider adopting.
“This adoption can improve your emotional response.”
You start to wonder, “what changes could I experience if I start reflecting on and shifting my belief system?”
- The first step to being able to instantly feel any emotion is becoming aware of your current set of default emotional responses.
- The second step is to realize you’ve been validating your beliefs by looking for things that confirm them.
It’s going to take time for deeper beliefs to start to shift.
Going for a walk isn’t hard, having to walk 1200 miles is hard.
It’s not the act that’s difficult, it’s the dedication required.
Changing the belief is going to take a little bit of time.
Actionable Takeaways
The key is to identify new beliefs that would be the foundation for a higher vibe default response.
The second step to solidifying this new belief is to actively focus your attention on finding evidence to support this new belief.
“Patience is the final piece of the puzzle.”
It may take weeks, months, or even years to create a new belief.
Time depends on how much it conflicts with your current belief system.
It also depends on how often you validate it through supportive evidence in your external environment.
Feel the vibe!
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