You’re about to learn how to believe it before you see It. Believe it now, see it in days!
Without belief, you have doubt, and with doubt comes an energy-sapping narrative within your mind that becomes the biggest resistance to you, manifesting your deepest desires.
You’re about to learn how to believe it before you see it.
Fail to master this technique I’m about to share with you, and you’ll find it extremely difficult to get what you want out of life.
Watch the video version of this post below!
The Setting
Imagine this…You’re educated and successful by society’s standards, yet not by your own.
You make good money, but you want to make GREAT MONEY!
You’re smart, focused, and disciplined, yet for some reason, you aren’t sure you believe making GREAT MONEY will ever happen. You certainly have moments when you believe in yourself, YET; every single day is a constant reminder that your goal has yet to be achieved.
The Characters
You’re in your late thirties or early forties.
Maybe married with one or two kids living in what many consider to be a very nice home.
You’ve got a title at your job that carries with it authority, power, and responsibility.
On paper, you’ve made it, but… something deep inside your gut just doesn’t feel right.
It’s a feeling so powerful it often keeps you awake all night long.
Let me explain where this horrible feeling of being stuck is coming from and why it’s killing your belief in yourself and your ability to get what you want.
My name is Dr. Jay Cavanaugh, and I’m a High-Performance Mindset Coach.
Access the tricks I’ve learned working with professional athletes to harness the power of your mind to get results you never believed possible.
The Plot
Most of us live by the mantra, “I’ll believe it when I see it.”
This is a self-limiting belief accepted by a majority of society and is the reason why the majority of society is anxious, stressed, and struggling to live their best life.
Energetically, this acts like a governor and is a COMPLETELY backward way of thinking.
Think this way, and every hour of every single day, you’re reminded that what you want hasn’t happened…because you haven’t seen it YET!
This ignites feelings of doubt, worry, and uncertainty.
This lower vibe energy is compounded by the paralyzing shackles of fear that accompany it.
The number one fear we all have is the fear of the unknown.
All fears point back to it.
- “What will people say” – the fear of other people’s opinions.
- “What will people think of me?” – the fear of judgment.
- “What if it doesn’t work?” – the fear of failure.
Fear is an illusion we fabricate in our minds.
The easiest way to dissolve fear is to lean into it.
Fear paralyzes us because it triggers our fight, flight, or freeze response.
This response ONLY serves us only when our lives are TRULY in danger.
Yet many of us live in a constant state of fear without ever really noticing it because it feels too familiar to be detected. In the presence of fear, self-belief is non-existent.
What’s your biggest fear?
The Conflict
The narratives fed by our current beliefs are one of the areas that strongly hold us back.
Here are some narratives I’m sure will sound familiar to you.
- “Tell it like it is.”
- “Seeing is believing.”
- “Face reality.”
You likely don’t see much wrong with these 3 narratives, yet I’ll explain how they limit us in a bit.
Now, these narratives are fed by internal beliefs we’ve adopted since childhood.
Adopted from our teachers, our friends, and our family.
As a child, we adopt beliefs without questioning whether they are true or not.
We then speak in ways that align with these adopted beliefs.
The problem is these beliefs work like a governor.
They become our internal limits which many people call limiting beliefs.
These beliefs then act like a filter.
A filter that only allows you to see the evidence that SUSTAINS the belief while filtering out the evidence that QUESTIONS it.
These become the patterns of thought that guide our lives.
Patterns of Thought
We all have patterns of thought.
- We have patterns of thought surrounding money.
- We have patterns of thought surrounding our bodies.
- We have patterns of thought surrounding our relationships.
The problem with patterns of thought is they create an energy that acts like a magnet.
This magnet attracts more of the same thoughts, creating more of the same emotions, which create more of the same thoughts and still more of the same emotions.
Patterns of Feeling
You cannot be in an emotional state of lack and separation and expect to manifest a better future.
This is because you can only think and act at the level of your vibrational frequency.
Your vibrational frequency can be represented as a specific emotion.
A person with a low vibrational frequency of doubt, frustration, and procrastination simply cannot think greater than this low-vibe emotional state.
They will think and act in alignment with their vibe and NEVER above it. Making you feel like you have no control over your life.
The Resolution
So how do we overcome all of this and start believing in ourselves before we are seeing results?
Let me start by sharing with you where you can begin to feel in control.
The one thing you can control is where you place your focus, energy, and attention.
What you focus on expands, so make sure you focus on what you DO want and NOT what you don’t.
This is critical because the subconscious mind only manifests the verb or action within your thoughts or spoken words.
For example, if you’re narrative is, “God, I hope this relationship doesn’t end,” your subconscious mind only hears, “relationship end.”
It removes the want or doesn’t want every single time yet manifests the action.
So spend more time focusing on the types of seeds you want to plant in your subconscious mind and less time on the ones you don’t.
Keep in mind these seeds represent the very specific desires you have.
Get crystal clear on what your desires look like, smell like, feel like, sound like, and even taste like when possible.
Clarity and specificity paired with imagining with all 5 senses is the secret sauce to planting the right seeds into your subconscious mind.
Imagine every time you think about your desires, the right way, as being yet another seed planted in the garden creating your future.
Now that we’ve focused on planting seeds that will feed our beliefs.
Let’s discuss how to water them.
Building faith in the unseen is the next step we’re going to take.
Imagine this as watering the seeds you’ve already planted.
Interestingly, our beliefs are often limited to what we have seen or done in the past.
So, how can we create beliefs surrounding our desired future?
The answer is by choosing blind faith.
Blind faith is holding a belief to be true without past evidence to support it.
This is accomplished by using your imagination which is where creation lives.
Let the creativity of your imagination be the new evidence to support your new belief.
A mistake to avoid at this point is thinking about the “how.”
This is because focusing on the “how” creates resistance, doubt, and procrastination. The “how” will reveal itself when it’s time.
You must believe that your god, energy, or source knows “how” much much better than you ever could.
Instead of focusing your energy and attention on “the how,” begin focusing on “the desired experience” by activating the power of your imagination.
Let’s talk about your greatest yet most underutilized gift, your imagination.
It’s the one thing that separates us from all the other species, yet we tap into its power less than 1% of the time.
A critical fact for you to learn is that everything is created twice, first in the mind, then in reality.
Activating your imagination allows you to tune your frequency to your desired reality.
So why don’t we tap into the power of our imagination more often?
Well, first off, it takes effort to imagine beyond what is.
It’s much easier to imagine within the limits of what is because it feels safe, known, and predictable.
So what exactly do we get out of using our imagination?
Well, activating our imagination results in the most important desired outcome necessary for manifestation.
And that is A FEELING!
Feeling is the secret!
So how do we elicit a feeling that may not be all that familiar to us?
Here’s exactly how you do it.
You don’t want to think of things; you want to think from them.
Thinking from where you want to be in life results in the feelings associated with that desired life.
Feeling this desired future makes it feel more familiar, more comfortable, and more certain.
See it, Feel it, Be it!
YOU WILL NEVER think and act greater than your feelings.
So, in order to create your desired reality, you must feel greater than your current reality.
Feeling is the secret to believing it before you see it.
This happens when you assume your desired reality has already occurred.
You act and feel as if that which you desire IS ALREADY YOURS.
Neville Goddard refers to this as The Law of Assumption.
Believe it before you see it, and that which you desire is sure to become yours in no time at all.
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