Manifestation rates vary depending on the desired outcome.
In this article, we’ll cover average manifestation rates for a variety of desired outcomes.
You’ll learn about a new term catching fire in the manifestation and spirituality space.
It’s called your “manifestation rate.”
How Long Does Manifestation Take?
Here are the average times it takes for manifestation.
- It takes about 1-5 minutes to manifest an emotion.
- Manifesting a text takes about 2-4 days.
- It takes about 2-4 months to manifest a job.
- Manifesting someone takes about 6-12 months.
What determines your rate of manifesting is called your “Manifestation Rate”
Your manifestation rate is a term coined by Dr. Jay Cavanaugh of The Vibe Mindset and is calculated using the following formula:
Manifestation Rate = Vibe x Imagery Rating x Beats x Energy
Let’s explain in more detail so you can start putting this tool into action.
What Is a Manifestation Rate?
A manifestation rate is the amount of time it takes for you to realize a desired outcome and is calculated as follows:
MR = V x I x B x E
Manifestation Rate = Vibe x Imagery x Beats x Energy
This rate varies daily.
The higher your average daily rate, the faster you manifest something.
That simple!
Let’s look at the first variable which is your vibe.
Watch this powerful and engaging video to start manifesting more.
How to Raise Your Vibe
This is short for your vibrational frequency and is a more technical representation of your emotional state.
This chat will offer you clarity.
Each emotional state has a numerical value representing it.
The more elevated your emotional state, the higher your number.
Love is around 500hz while shame is as low as 20hz.
Your “vibe” has the biggest impact on how long it takes for you to manifest something or someone.
The key to increasing this number is quite simple.
Here are the 3 steps you want to take:
- Shift your focus to something that brings you joy.
- Use your imagination to think about it in detail.
- Invite yourself to feel these elevated emotions.
This is how you manifest much quicker.
Now doing this once is great but we know “R” represents repetition and is also a key factor in determining how fast we can manifest something.
How to Increase Your Imagery Rating
Your imagery rating is simply the amount of clarity and detail in how you imagine your desired outcome.
The more clarity in your imagination, the faster you will manifest.
Here are some ways to increase your imagery rating:
- Get crystal clear and specific on what you want.
- Activate all 5 senses when possible.
- Make it appear so real you feel as if it’s happening.
The more you can bridge the gap between imagination and reality the better.
Give yourself a 1-10 rating for how “real” your imaginative event felt.
How to Increase Your Beats
To increase your “beats” or repetitions you’ve got to make it a habit.
Beasts are measured on a per-day basis.
I like to call these reps, beats because you can feel the excitement in your heart.
“This is the secret spot where all the action takes place.”
The key to making manifestation a habit is to start by making beats easier to remember.
Life can get very distracting and decrease the number of beats we do.
Here’s how to increase your beats:
- Make it easy – place visual reminders in your space.
- Make it fun – enjoy this process of growth and discovery.
- Reward yourself – treat yourself with a simple reward.
Don’t overthink how many beats to perform.
I like to pair my beats with a preexisting habit like eating 3 meals a day.
Before every meal, I raise my vibe and imagine my desire in detail trying to activate all 5 of my senses when possible.
How to Increase Your Energy
Think of energy as the amount of focus and attention you place on the things that matter.
Think of it like, the things that will move the needle in the right direction.
“All too often we place our most valuable resource, our energy, into things that push us away from manifesting, not towards it.”
If you choose to focus your energy and attention on what you can’t do then give yourself a low rating.
The scale is on a 1-10 scale.
In the above case, you may give yourself a 1 or a 2.
Choose to place your energy and attention on taking a step in the right direction and give yourself a 9-10!
The key here is to become very aware of where you place your focus and energy.
“What you focus on expands.”
Place your energy where it moves towards your desired manifestation and not away from it.
How to Interpret Your Manifestation Rate
Vibes range between 1-33.
Imagery ranges between 1-10.
Beats are theoretically limitless yet often range from 0-20.
Energy ranges from 1-10.
- Highest score possible = 3300+
- Lowest score possible = 0
Use the infographic below as only a guideline.
Keep in mind, that these are only estimates and are based on maintaining the same level daily until your manifestation is realized.
Next Steps
Let these Law of Attraction tips be a roadmap to manifestation.
Manifesting really works when you have the roadmap on how to do it!
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