The grass is greener where you water it is a much more brilliant phrase than the grass is greener on the other side.
I like the former phrase better than the latter because it places all the power in your hands.
You are the creator of your reality, and we are all master manifestors.
We just tend to manifest the polar opposite of what we genuinely desire due to feelings of lack and separation.
Becoming more grateful for what we have is a practice we should all execute daily.
Social media tempts us to think that everyone else has it better than us and that what we have or who we are isn’t enough.
When you master where you place your focus, energy, and attention, you begin to see that you’re right where you placed your energy.
A person thinking too far into the future may become stressed or anxious.
Someone hyper-focused on the past may feel frustrated and depressed.
Whatever you focus on expands, and whatever you don’t contracts.
Once you become more mindful of where you place your focus, things begin to change drastically.
When you water the grass in front of you, it will eventually grow.
You must set intentions every morning and be mindful of the thoughts and feelings you allow to sit with you.
People who buy into the “grass is always greener” syndrome never feel like they are enough.
These may be people with low self-worth, perfectionism, or low confidence.
The grass isn’t greener on the other side.
The grass is greenest where you water it.
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