Raising your vibration is one of the most powerful ways to manifest the life you want.
To raise your vibe is to lift your emotional state and raise your level of consciousness to a higher level.
Learn what’s killing your vibe and how to fix it!
In this article, you will learn effective techniques to raise your vibrational frequency!
Write down three tips you are willing to put into action today to get the most out of this article.
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Table of Contents
- What does it mean to raise your vibration?
- Guilt, shame, and blame are killing your vibe.
- Which foods raise your vibration?
- 11 easy ways to raise your vibration fast.
- Your vibe affects your external environment.
- How meditation raises your vibrational frequency.
- Mindfulness raises your vibration.
- Feelings of lack and separation kill your vibration.
- Use your imagination to make the unfamiliar feel familiar.
- How random acts of kindness raise your vibration.
What Does it Mean to Raise Your Vibration?
Consider the term “vibration” to mean your emotional state of being.
“All emotions are energy and this energy vibrates at a specific frequency.”
Here is an example of the various emotions and their corresponding vibrational frequencies:
Raising your vibe simply means to exist in an emotional state higher in vibrational frequency.
The larger the number of Hertz, the higher the vibe.
What’s your vibe?
“This simple yet powerful question builds self-awareness.”
It invites you to marinate in your current state or shift your attention to elicit a different emotional state.
In its most simple terms, your vibration is simply how you feel.
Guilt, shame, and blame are killing your vibe
The lowest vibrational frequencies you can experience are guilt, shame, and blame.
Feeling these emotions is part of the human experience.
“Remaining in these emotional states for an extended period of time is unfair and unhealthy.”
You must always remember that feeling lower vibe emotions is nothing to be ashamed of.
Feelings aren’t always facts and they are fleeting.
When we ruminate or replay a life experience over and over, we revisit the emotional state associated with it.
This can be a powerful tool for raising or killing your vibe.
Become more aware of the thoughts you allow to marinate in your mind.
Choose to allow positive thoughts, memories, and elevated emotions to stay.
Ask negative thoughts that no longer serve you to go.
“The best way to develop self-love is to start forgiving yourself more often.”
Don’t allow a mistake to turn into a default emotional state.
Which Foods Raise Your Vibration?
If a food elevates your mood without a later crash, it’s likely a high vibe food.
Healthy, unprocessed foods are the perfect example.
It’s time to start enjoying some prana-rich foods that provide you with the energy you need to live a high-vibe life.
Start eating these high-vibe foods:
- Leafy greens.
- Any vegetables from a home garden.
- Sprouts.
- Organic fruits.
- Herbal teas.
- Turmeric.
- Water is a slightly basic Ph level.
- Walnuts.
- Almonds.
- Avocados.
- Cacao.
- Kefir.
- Chia seeds.
- Raw local honey.
- Coconut oil.
- Fungi.
- Seaweed.
Pay attention to how you feel after eating as your body will tell you which foods energize you.
The better food decisions you make the more mental clarity, focus, and energy you’ll have throughout the day.
12 Easy Ways to Raise Your Vibration Fast
- Try boxed breathing
- Shift your thoughts to something that serves you.
- Feel gratitude instead of just thinking about it.
- Move your body as it’s where emotions exist.
- Speak more kindly to yourself.
- Pay more attention to nature.
- Listen to a peaceful guided meditation.
- Eat or drink something healthy.
- Give to someone and forgive someone.
- Become more aware of the media you consume.
- Imagine what you desire and feel as if it’s yours.
- Think of people who cause you to feel love.
Imagine how positive your vibes would be if you took action on at least 3 of these tips daily.
Check out our recent “How to control your vibes” video that will guide you on additional steps to take:
Tell me what you think in the comment section.
Your Vibe Affects Your External Environment
Energy attracts similar energy.
If your vibe is high, you’ll attract similar high vibes into your life.
People often refer to this as the Law of Attraction yet I refer to it as The Law of Vibration.
Haven’t you ever said to yourself, “I just like her vibe.”?
We all have made such a statement.
“When we are energetically in a higher vibrational frequency we match up with people on our same wavelength.”
In order to bring more of what you want into your life you must first become emotionally aligned with it.
This is at the core of the vibe mindset.
How Meditation Raises Your Vibrational Frequency
Meditation is one of the most popular ways to raise your vibe because anyone can do it, anywhere.
Meditating calms you down by quieting the thoughts and self-talk that often consume our energy and attention.
“Quiet the mind and the soul will speak.”
Think of it as freeing up some space in your mind’s hard drive to allow it to run more efficiently.
The goal with meditation isn’t to control your thoughts, it’s to stop letting them control you!
The barrier most people have to meditation is they tend to overthink it, which is the opposite of its intention.
Here are some simple beginner ways to start a meditation practice:
- Go for a walk in nature.
- Watch the clouds slowly pass by.
- Listen to the sounds nature provides.
- Dance to your favorite beat.
- Focus your attention on relaxing your body from head to toe.
You don’t have to sit with your legs crossed and your fingers touching to meditate.
Even riding a motorcycle or bicycle can move you into a state free of thought.
Mindfulness Raises Your Vibration
The #1 step in creating change in your life is to first become aware of your thoughts, feelings, and actions.
Mindfulness is how we refer to this practice.
This is a non-judgmental, introspective awareness of who you are and what thoughts exist in the present moment.
Our minds can focus on the future, the past, or the present.
“The present moment is most valuable because it’s all we truly ever have.”
- Focusing your energy and attention too far into the future can cause lower vibrational emotions such as stress and anxiety.
- Focusing your energy and attention too far back into the past can cause lower vibrational emotions such as worry and frustration.
When you perform a “vibe check” consider asking yourself if you are focused on the past, future, or present moment.
All your power exists in the present moment.
All is possible at this very moment so shift your energy into the now.
Become more mindful of where you allow your mind to wander.
Feelings of Lack and Separation Kill Your Vibration
One of the most common and easily overlooked vibe killers is the feeling of lack and separation.
To exist in a state of lack and separation is to feel stress, anxiety, or disconnect from your desires.
“In order to have a wish fulfilled you must feel joy, peace, and connectedness to it.”
The key to getting what you want lies in how you feel.
One of my favorite Neville Goddard techniques, “feeling is the secret, states you must feel as if your wish fulfilled.
This video shares with you more on how to implement this technique:
The key to feeling as if your wish has already been fulfilled lies in using your imagination.
Your body can’t tell the difference between that which is real and that which imagined.
Use this fact to imagine a detailed scene using all 5 of your senses to elicit your desired emotional outcome.
Everything we do is for a feeling!
“Your imagination makes the feelings you desire feel certain, familiar, and comfortable which creates them in your reality.”
Feel unity, connectedness, and wholeness with your desires and watch them quickly manifest themselves!
Use Your Imagination to Make the Unfamiliar Feel Familiar
Your imagination is the greatest human gift many of us underutilize.
Anything unfamiliar risks lowering your vibration.
“In order to grow and to change we need to exit the comfort zone and enter the growth zone.”
The resistance to breaking free from our comfort zone lies in the uncertainty and unfamiliarity of these unchartered waters.
Your brain doesn’t know the difference between that which is real and that which is imagined.
This invites you to bridge the gap between that which is unfamiliar and that which is familiar by using the power of your imagination.
This video shares with you some tips on how to use your imagination to shift your vibe.
What could you focus on imagining tonight right before you fall asleep that would raise your vibes?
The more frequently you imagine that which you desire, the more familiar and comfortable it feels.
The more comfortable and familiar it feels the easier it is to feel as if it’s yours.
When your feeling is in alignment with your desires, that’s when manifestation happens!
Use your imagination 3-5X per day to imagine what you do want, and refuse to imagine what you don’t.
How Random Acts of Kindness Raise Your Vibration
People who give exist in a higher vibrational state.
Those who practice gratitude feel abundance in their life which inspires them to share this abundance with others.
“Performing a random act of kindness creates a ripple of positive energy with no visible end in sight!”
The opposite of abundance is lack.
Someone in a state of lack exists in a low vibrational state and cannot give as they feel they have nothing to give.
Focus on feelings of gratitude and letting the little things create joy in your life.
The emotional signature of gratitude is that of abundance.
The world needs more people performing random acts of kindness.
Maybe that person is you?
What To Do Next
What’s your vibe?
You now know how to become more mindful of your vibration and exactly how to shift it.
Shift your focus, energy, and attention to what serves you, and watch how quickly your life changes!
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