Self-perception is how you see yourself regardless of conflicting evidence, opinions, or facts.
This sense of self starts to be created early in childhood and is based on the interpretations and meaning we place on our experiences.
Many refer to this as self-concept or self-identity as well.
In this article, you will learn some of the most powerful ways to build your self-perception and become a “different” person.
How to Change Your Life By Changing Your Self-Perception
The most powerful way to change the trajectory of your life is to learn how to change your self-perception.
Many of us are searching for growth in areas such as our relationships, health, and finances because we feel stagnant, flat, yet we know we have more in the tank.
This article will reveal how to break free from stagnation and limiting beliefs using the power of your personal identity to do it!
“Break the habit of being you and create the habit of becoming You 2.0.”
Below you’ll also find a YouTube video on building your personal identity and our 16 page guide on becoming You 2.0!
Feeling stuck in a hamster wheel becomes your default feeling of the day and no matter how many books you read, podcasts you listen to, and masterclasses you take, nothing seems to truly change.
The reason nothing changes is that a book, a podcast, or a class doesn’t change who you are.
They can inspire you, educate you, and entertain you, yet who you are stays the same.
“Change can only take place when who you are changes.”
Let’s get into learning more about who you are and how it relates to building your self-perception.
What Is Your Self-Perception?
This is a deep, yet perfectly relevant question.
It’s timely and relevant because reflecting on who you are is the secret to revealing why you think, feel, and act the way you do.
To find the answers you are looking for, all you need is a mirror.
Let me explain.
A kind person does kind things.
They send you cards for every holiday.
They want to hear more about you than sharing things about themselves.
“People who believe they are kind do things to constantly validate and reaffirm their identity.”
What type of person are you?
- Decisive
- Assertive
- Empathetic
- Inquisitive
- Courageous
Your sense of self consists of your personality, your character, or your values.
It’s what you believe to be most important.
The reason why defining who you are is so important, is because it answers the question, “why?“
- “Why do I keep making the same mistakes?”
- “What’s causing me to react the same way?”
- “Why do I feel the way I do?”
If you’re trying to figure out how to make your lawn mower run better, you start by figuring out why it’s running the way it is, “right?”
Start by figuring out your “why” and things begin to become very clear to you.
What Creates Our Self-Perception?
Your self-perception begins development at a very young age.
What’s most fascinating about self-perception is its formation based on interpretations more so than facts.
A 7-year-old told they will never become anything in life enough times, will internalize this statement as part of their identity.
“The closer and more emotional the relationship between the child and their parents, peers, or friends, the higher likelihood they will internalize said statements into beliefs of who they will become.”
We all know to forecast the life of a 7-year-old is ridiculous, but the 7-year-old doesn’t.
Kids are in a very programmable time in their lives where they take in information without the cognitive ability to reason through it first.
“If you want to dig deep into what’s been holding you back, look into the false beliefs you identified with as a child.”
One very important tip I can offer you when reflecting back on your childhood, do not discredit what now may appear may appear trivial.
This is extremely important!
Your mother may have made a statement like, “You are a fool”.
As an adult, you now realize she was stressed with kids, a disconnected husband, and bills to her ears, so she didn’t mean it, “right?“
“Your 30 something mind can rationalize the statement but your 7 year old self took it to be fact.”
Something seemingly trivial to you now may be the key to unlocking your limiting beliefs and building You 2.0!
As of this very moment, as I write this post, I recall being behind in reading and not being a good writer as a child.
Even to this day, at 49 years of age, I still believe I am not a good writer.
Perhaps I’m not the best, yet there still exists a large gap between the writer “I believe myself to be” and the writer I actually am.
Powerful stuff!
How Do I Develop Self-Perception?
Yet another simple question to ponder on this glorious day, “haha.”
My favorite answer is quite simple;
“I want to become a better version of myself.”
To become a better version of yourself, 3 things must happen:
- Identify and discredit the lies about yourself you’ve internalized.
- Define who you want to become.
- Imagine, feel, and embody a single desired trait daily to inch closer to You 2.0.
The 3 best ways to develop your self-perceptions are:
1. Identify and discredit the lies about yourself you’ve internalized.
We are all born a blank slate.
Our identity is formed and created, which means, “our identity can be reformed and recreated!“
Yes, there is hope!
“You just need the right tools and the right strategies to get the work done.”
When you reflect back on the lies you internalized as facts, you’ll find the source of most of your limiting beliefs. This results in a powerful self-awareness.
Limiting beliefs such as:
- “I am not worthy.”
- “I’m not good enough.”
- “I am not lovable.”
- “I’m a failure.”
All the above statements are 100% false!
You believe them to be true because you have validated them consistently for 10, 20, or 30 years or more!
If you tell yourself something enough times, you begin to believe it.
The hidden beauty here is we can use the same repetition for good!
Let’s move into #2.
2. Define Who You Want to Become
There’s one question I often ask that is often met with a blank and confused stare, “What do you want out of life?“
It shocks me how many people struggle to come up with an answer to this question.
I believe you create your reality.
If you’re not defining what you want out of life, you’re leaving it all to chance.
Let’s say you want to be a famous YouTube fitness trainer.
Knowing what you want out of life you makes it easy to figure out who you have to become to get there!
You know you have to get a bit more comfortable in front of a camera.
You’ve tried a few videos but feel your energy is a bit flat.
How do you fix it?
3. Imagine, feel, and embody a single desired trait daily to inch closer to You 2.0
Become more energetic by embodying this trait more often.
Focus on how you can take small steps to embody the trait of being “energetic” 3 times today.
Here’s what it may look like;
- Be a bit more excited while sharing some new ideas with a coworker.
- Call a friend to make plans for the weekend in an excited tone.
- Get excited when the clerk at the gas station asks how they can help you.
When you focus on becoming energetic, take actions in an energetic way, you begin to rewire neuronal pathways and begin to become a more energetic person.
Energetic people aren’t born energetic, they become energetic and so can you!
Next Steps
Create your vision.
Believe you’re becoming You 2.0.
Feel now, how you anticipate you’ll feel then.
This is creating your “VIBE” and is the cornerstone of The VIBE Mindset.
Watch the video below to gain more clarity on how to build your identity and make sure you download our FREE 16-page guide on “How to Become a Better Version of Yourself.” by entering your email in the section below!
Thanks for stopping by!
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